Some standards relevant to localization:
- ISO 639-2 Languages: official list | IETF list | Wikipedia | LocalePlanet ICU list
- ISO 3166 Countries: official list | Free University of Berlin list | Wikipedia | LocalePlanet ICU list
- ISO 15924 Scripts: | Wikipedia
- RFC 4647 Matching of Language Tags : official specification | html
- RFC 5646 Tags for Identifying Languages : official specification | html
- BCP 47 (RFC 4647 + RFC 5646): official specification | Wikipedia
- RFC 6067 BCP 47 Extension U: official specification
- ISO 8601 Representation of dates and times Wikipedia | W3C | ISO overview
- RFC 3339: Dates and times on the internet: text | html
- IETF Language Tag Registry: LangTag.Net | Wikipedia
- RFC 1766 Tags for the Identification of Languages : official specification | html
- RFC 3066 Tags for the Identification of Languages : official specification | html
- RFC 4646 Tags for Identifying Languages : official specification | html
Also see the list of sources for locale data.